My subjective opinion is that God knows everything. He is one supercomputer running and controlling everything. Why? Because that is what he does. How do I know? I don't, but the bible says He knows everything. If you don't believe in the bible why would you believe in God?
James Brown
JoinedPosts by James Brown
Did God know adam and eve would sin?
by gavindlt into all those on this forum, i would love to know what your take on this vital question is..
Jehovah and Pleiades
by James Brown indoes anyone remember seeing old watchtowers in their kingdom hall library before they destroyed them all, of the watchtower annoucing jehovah from pleiades kingdom.
i am 72 years old and i remeber seeing these old magazines somewhere..
James Brown
Thank you Blondie.
Jehovah and Pleiades
by James Brown indoes anyone remember seeing old watchtowers in their kingdom hall library before they destroyed them all, of the watchtower annoucing jehovah from pleiades kingdom.
i am 72 years old and i remeber seeing these old magazines somewhere..
James Brown
Thank you, Ron. I am copying this and putting it in my files.
Jehovah and Pleiades
by James Brown indoes anyone remember seeing old watchtowers in their kingdom hall library before they destroyed them all, of the watchtower annoucing jehovah from pleiades kingdom.
i am 72 years old and i remeber seeing these old magazines somewhere..
James Brown
Ding, That is good to hear. I am looking for any evidence, I can find. The watchtower would want to destroy any evidence of such a claim. If Jehovah came from Pleiades it would support that Jehovah was an alien astronaut. Very much like the man he was depicted as in the garden of Eden looking for Adam and Eve.
Jehovah and Pleiades
by James Brown indoes anyone remember seeing old watchtowers in their kingdom hall library before they destroyed them all, of the watchtower annoucing jehovah from pleiades kingdom.
i am 72 years old and i remeber seeing these old magazines somewhere..
James Brown
Does anyone remember seeing old Watchtowers in their kingdom hall library before they destroyed them all, Of the Watchtower annoucing Jehovah from Pleiades kingdom. I am 72 years old and I remeber seeing these old magazines somewhere.
James Brown
I have a smoothie every day 2 scoops of protein powder. 2 scoops of fat free peanut butter powder, 1 banana frozen, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 10 blackberries, 10 blueberries, 1/2 apple, 1 cup almond milk, 1 midjol date cut in little pieces for sweetness, and a spoonful of crushed flaxseed. I have been eating this every day for 2 years. And then I fill the blender with ice and crush it all together so It is a blender of smoothie but half is water/ice. It takes me a while to eat it with a spoon. I intermittent fast and this is my first meal of the day at 2 pm.
James Brown
Mother, Sister, Brother, Brother in law, Sisters in law.
I still have some brothers and sister in laws in deep. They will never get out or know what to do with themselves if they did.
A "killer" question for Jehovah's Witnesses
by Terry inhere is a 'killer' question for jw's.
which description best describes how you see yourself and how you feel?which would you choose?
are you: 1. a christian 2. a jehovah's witness here's the scenario.
James Brown
I am an atheist so whoever is trying to pass judgment on me and myself are going to have a very heated discussion. I imagine if there is a judge he will calm me down and say "don't get all upset, you do not belong with either of those groups. I have something special for you." -
James Brown
What makes me happy? From a 68 year old male. I play soccer 2 to 3 times a week with much younger people. That makes me happy. I play guitar and learn new techniques and songs that are beyond my ability when I make progress doing music that makes me happy. I walk my dog 1 mile every morning and go to the gym 5 times a week, that makes me happy. I am vegan, It makes me happy that I do not have to eat another sentient being to maintain my existence. I read and study and try to be aware of what is going on in this world. Doing that makes me sad. So I have to go back to the top every day and start all over again.
James Brown
I learned the truth about the truth by praying for God to show me the truth. He told me the truth was not the truth. I no longer believe in a god or can identify one, but I did act in harmony with my prayers and did exstensive reading and research of the bible, Jw's, religion and god. I did read Ray Franzes books and a book called 30 years a watchtower slave. At that time I knew the truth was not the truth. Then I started watching youtube videos of the atheist experice and other related subjects. I found that I could not argue with the videos. Matt Dillahanty and Aaron Ra and Tracie Harris. I could never find anything to argue with them about regarding being an atheist. I realize I have been an atheist all my life because I did not agree with many of the JW's or Christianities teachings or ways. I never chose Jw's I was born in it. It took me 30 years to escape. There was no internet and the religious section in book stores was very small. Back in the 80's I got a news letter from a former JW, which was a precursor for me to this site. In my 68 years, I read the bible cover to cover 10 times and made notes and researched. At first I found parts of the bible uplifting. But eventually by my own experiences and observing, I realized the bible did not add up. It did not seem to be written by a wise all knowing powerfull entity. It reavealed itself to be a hodge podge of writings by many eventually used by the Roman emperor Constatine to unite his empire. I label myself an atheist, I do not hate god. In fact I still look for him. But like Big foot and the Flying spaghetti monster his hiding skills are to crafty for me. So I have to conclude he does not exist until further evidence is presented.